With the recent increase in the popularity of gin, there is considerable competition for the new gins to be recognnized. So, how do you stand out amongst the rows upon rows of gin at the liquor store? It’s all in the design of the bottle and the name of the gin.
It is not surprising that one’s eye will be drawn to the beauty and/or uniqueness of the bottle’s appearance. There are several gins that we have tried simply because the bottle was so attractive. Whether it’s the shiny copper of Bottega and Crafter’s, or the cut glass of Spirit of York and Mermaid, or the artistic look of Opihr and Collective Art Artisinal, we are naturally swayed by what we find aesthetically pleasing.
For some of us, like Butterfly for example, it’s all in the “oooh-aaah” of bottle. The description of the gin on the bottle factors in, but it’s really all about the look of the bottle. Butterfly loves square bottles, and if they’re cut like crystal that’s even better. If the bottle glints and sparkles – she’s all in. It gives the impression of quality and taste. But, it’s not just the shape of the bottle, it’s also the way it’s packaged – the colours on the label, and bottles with a wax seal cap are particularly curious.
Does the look of the bottle affect the rating? Although some of us would say no – there are a few who would say absolutely yes! You’re attracted to the bottle on the shelf – just loving the look of it. You make the purchase, and already invested, you convince yourself that you will also love the taste. So, for those marketers out there – yes marketing works on us!

Week 51